Slay My Hair .com
Braided Bun: Make This Your Next Hairstyle

Tips on wearing Braids Protect Your Hair At Night Many black women were taught since we were young that tying our hair up at night is just good practice. So we tie our hair when it is out or when we want to keep our weave looking fresh but when we're wearing braids we throw all of that good practice out the window. Covering your head with a satin headscarf at night not only keeps your edges looking fresh it also protects your roots from drying out when you sleep. If you find satin headscarves uncomfortable then place a satin pillowcase over your pillow for a similar type of protection. If you are really a keener do both. Wrap your head and invest in a satin pillowcase. If your headscarf comes off in the night you still have the protection of your satin pillowcase. I had a stylist who could tell when I had skipped a few days of wearing my satin headscarf. She would take one look at my scalp and scold, "Your head is dry! What did you do?!" Keep Your Scalp Moist This is one thing I
need to get better at. Sometimes I think I'm too busy to get out my spray bottle and spray my hair. That is definitely not true. Giving your roots a quick spritz should take you no longer than a few minutes 5 minutes maximum. Our hair is no different than any other living thing. It needs moisture to survive and the best type of moisture is water. Our roots get thirsty and they need watering. Our roots do not need heavy gels and oils those clog our pores and make it more difficult for our roots to absorb moisture. Our roots need plain old water to thrive and survive. Apply moisturizing and sealing product to hair Make a point of applying your favorite sealing product to your roots at least once a week. I usually apply a mixture of Naptural85's homemade shea butter and my Blended Beauty Curl Styling Butter. The shea butter mix sooths my scalp, protects from hard UV rays, and seals in moisture. The styling butter gives added moisture, controls the frizzing of my braids and nourishes my hair with essential vitamins and minerals.